Did You Buy a Lemon Car? Your Rights & What the Law Says.
When you leave the car lot after buying a new car, you should be happy to take home that vehicle. But, what if it’s in the shop almost from day one with problems the dealer can’t seem to repair? Uh-oh, you might just have a lemon. And, unfortunately, taking it back for a refund or... Read More
Dog Bites Can Be Prevented with Better Education
Dogs are wonderful companions and more than 46% of US households know this as they love and care for these furry friends. What many do not know is that according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than four million people are bitten by dogs each year, most often children and the elderly. The good... Read More
Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer at Camps
I recently received an email with great information from Corey Andres – parent, professional educator, and former camp director – about exercising great measures to ensure your children have a safe and pleasant camp experience this summer. It’s true that many of us are guilty about not checking out day, week or overnight camps as... Read More
Some Popular Medical Devices Escape FDA Scrutiny
Too many new medical devices reach the market without extensive testing or review. Countless patients around the world depend on advanced medical devices to improve their quality of life. As the $110 billion medical device industry cranks out thousands of products every year, eye-opening reports continue to surface detailing faulty devices, repeat surgeries and massive... Read More
Employment Rights in South Carolina as Right to Work State
We live in a Right to Work State, and employees are considered “at will”. But, let’s consider the following two scenarios quickly: Should a dental hygienist who was fired by her boss for being irresistibly attractive have a case for wrongful termination? What about an employee who reported illegal business practices and was fired just... Read More
Working in Cold Weather Presents Special Dangers, Even in Charleston, SC
Many areas of the United States are experiencing shattered snow and cold weather records this winter, and heavy snow continues to fall. But, you don’t have to live in the Northeast to work in cold weather conditions. Even in South Carolina, we experience freezing days, which many are not prepared to handle appropriately. Now, imagine... Read More