Record Year of Recalls for Automotive Industry
A decade-long ignition-switch defect in millions of General Motors vehicles helped launch a record 2014 for automakers for all the wrong reasons. Auto companies issued more recalls involving older models than ever before, covering 60 million vehicles. That adds up to roughly 700 recall announcements in total – an average of two a day – affecting one in five vehicles currently on the road.
For the automotive industry, 2014 was the year of the recall. You couldn’t pick up a newspaper, turn on the evening news or check your favorite news site without hearing about another new and alarming recall. And unfortunately for car owners everywhere, recalls show no sign of letting up. What’s even more concerning is a lapse by automakers and federal regulators in responding soon enough to reports of serious injury and death. Visit Fatal Flaws: Crisis in Auto Safety by the New York Times for an interactive overview on the issue.
Industry advocates and safety experts say the recalls are the culmination of years of mismanagement by manufacturers and the agencies that regulate them. Take Justice Back and the American Association of Justice (AAJ) have issued an updated report (download PDF) on the safety improvements made possible by an aggressive search for justice. However, problems still remain as evidenced by the examples found in our monthly newsletter.

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Check to See If Your Car Is on the List
The quickest way to check whether your car is affected by a recall is to use NHTSA’s online VIN-lookup tool. You can also receive updates on the latest recalls, find links to more detailed recall information, and stay on top of other vehicle safety updates at
Be prepared for an auto accident before it happens. Assemble an accident kit for your car and keep it in your trunk. Include basic medical supplies, a pen and paper for notes, a disposable camera, and medical alert cards for any family member with allergies or other medical conditions. Download and print What to Do When You Are Involved in a Car Crash from the National Safety Council.
Know Your Local Traffic Accident Lawyer
In the event you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, time is of the essence. Keep our name and number handy – add it to your accident kit – and call right away.
Barrow Law Firm
Traffic Accident Attorney
Charleston & Mount Pleasant, SC